Freeze text effect in augmented reality

AR TextFX Review

I was browsing the app store today and came across a really fun app called AR TextFX.This ARKit app, like its name suggests, allows you to express yourself and in very creative ways playing around with text and high-quality text effect animations in augmented reality.

AR TextFX comes with a wide range of features that give you a great degree of control of the results. For example, you can type your own text, choose the desired font from a list of fonts, move and rotate the text in both X, Y, and Z-Axis. You can change the color of the text by choosing from pre-defined colors (no color picker unfotionarley). You can decide on the alignment, change the text size and increases the text’s depth, as well as play with the position of the light.

Fire text effect in augmented reality
Lit fire text effect in augmented reality. Professional grade text effect! Looks really cool in my opinion.

You can also enter the text in a few lines, but what the app doesn’t allow you to place more than a single block of text. So you can just separately write the sentence “I Love You” and put each word in a different place in the room, or wherever you use the app

AR TextFX also enabled you to capture a photo or a video of your creation, which is needed obviously, after all, you probably want to share your creation with someone and this app give you the option to do just that. When AR Text FX captures a video or a picture it does that without the overlayed user interface, so you only get to see the real world scene with the text in it, nothing more.

The end results look really nice and professional. That being said, my problem with this app is that it really doesn’t offer something more than just text. If the developer decided to focus on only text manipulation and special effects I expect it to have more features, for example, maybe add some animations to the letters themselves or have an option to wrap the text itself to fit around circular or sharp areas. You can easily browse the web and check the available animations available for text in Adobe Flash. Not that this app was made with flash, but I believe that it uses vector-based graphics so it might be possible to create some animations that resemble what we can do with vector-based animated apps.